Types of Notes:
1 of the most important parts of music is learning the types and values of notes. Here you will gain some
understanding of how the notes look and sound. The
icon means you can listen to it. All of the music
samples are recorded at the same speed and are just 1 measure.
The whole note:
Looks like:

an egg on its side, either with a line through it or not.
The half note:
Looks like:

the same as a whole not but with a vertical line attached to it.
The quarter note:
Looks like:

the same as a half note except the circle is filled in.
The eighth note:
Looks like:

the same as quarter notes but with a curly off the line. They can also be put in groups of 4, 3, or 2.
The sixteenth note:
Looks like:

the same as an eighth note but has double curlies. Can also be grouped in 4, 3 or 2 but are joined by a double line.
[ Introduction | Clefs | Time Signatures |
Types of Notes | Types of Rests |
Basic Counting I ]
[ Basic Counting II |
Symbols | Shaping | Return to Education Section ]
Learning to Read Music, Created by Kevin Lux for
DataDragon Information Services