Author | Topic: theory |
trumpetgeek53 Registered User
Registered: 7/20/2005 | posted: 9/21/2005 at 6:40:35 PM ET I had my first piano lesson of the year today and I couldn't understand anything. We were talking about how the song had tonic and other stuff such as the 1,5 and 5 seven chords. That just out me to sleep. ( My lesson was 7:15 AM) All I did was stare at the brand name by middle C. The brand name is Everett so Automaticaly I thought of Carl Everett from The WHite Sox( They're #1) Well now I have no idea what we talked about at lessons. Can someone help me.
$> Trumpets rule <$
saj92 Registered User
Registered: 7/23/2005 | posted: 9/24/2005 at 3:06:11 PM ET nuh-uh
CUBS RULE(even though they can't play)
saj92 Registered User
Registered: 7/23/2005 | posted: 9/24/2005 at 3:06:54 PM ET i know how you feel. believe me!
Pete Registered User
From: North Coast NSW, Australia
Registered: 3/20/2005 | posted: 9/24/2005 at 5:15:14 PM ET
...find a new teacher, I would suggest.
And why 7.15AM...?
Is this something you are forced to do through your school?
Baruch 3:14
trumpetgeek53 Registered User
Registered: 7/20/2005 | posted: 9/24/2005 at 7:40:42 PM ET I got the 7:15 lesson cuz I don't wanna stay after school. I have lessons on Wed. morning cuz I have band on thurs. Morning and my friend has piano lesson on fri. My piano teacher isn't at skool on mon. and tues. cuz she teaches at other skools.
$> Trumpets rule <$
Pete Registered User
From: North Coast NSW, Australia
Registered: 3/20/2005 | posted: 9/25/2005 at 1:06:38 AM ET
OK, what she is talking about is Intervals and Chord Degree names, which are both based on the eight notes of the scale, and the first note is the Tonic.
The easiest way to understand the 1, 5?..(I think maybe she said 4) and 57 chord pattern is the think of the Intro to La Bamba: after the first three notes the first chord is a 1, the second chord is a 4, and the third chord is a C (CDEFGABC), the chords would be C, F, and G7.
Baruch 3:14