CarmeloFisher Registered User
From: Hayward
Registered: 9/10/2022 | posted: 1/9/2023 at 12:54:19 AM ET However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you're suffering from erectile dysfunction, you can buy cenforce 200 mg online or from your local pharmacy. You should also consult a healthcare provider before beginning any erection medication. They will be able to provide you with more information on which pill is right for you. Using a prescription is a great way to ensure you get the most benefit from your medications. For example, the recommended dosage of cenforce 200 mg is one tablet per day. Generally, it should be taken on an empty stomach. As you get used to the cenforce 200 mg pill, you may want to up the dosage a bit. If you are taking a prescription drug, it's also important to check with your pharmacist or doctor to see if you need to adjust the amount of medication you take.