jennifer22 Registered User
Registered: 10/4/2022 | posted: 10/5/2022 at 2:11:17 PM ET
While unused themes are usually a source of unnecessary clutter, there are some situations in which you should keep a deactivated theme. They are as follows:
If you have a child theme set as your active theme. In this case, the active child theme's parent theme must be installed (and deactivated) on your site.
If you want to keep a backup theme. Having a couple of the default WordPress themes (Twenty Twenty One, Twenty Twenty, and so on) on your site, for example, is relatively harmless.
If you're testing multiple themes. However, this is best done on a WordPress staging site so that any changes you make do not affect your live website and cause visitors to be inconvenienced.
If none of these apply to you, continue reading to learn how to remove a theme. We develop innovative and creative products and services that provide total communication and information solutions for both B2B and B2C businesses. is the leading web and software development firm.
Rather, I'm referring to WordPress themes that are installed but not active on your website. You can keep as many deactivated themes as you want. However, with a few exceptions, these themes are doing nothing but sitting on your server, which poses security and storage issues. Please allow me to explain:
Security Concerns
WordPress themes are a common WordPress security vulnerability that hackers frequently exploit to inject malware, backdoors, and other nasty things into WordPress sites. Fewer theme files on your website mean fewer points of entry for hackers, so delete any that are no longer in use.
This security issue is exacerbated if your unused themes are not updated. It may appear that updating a theme if you aren't using it is pointless, but outdated themes are easier for hackers to access because their vulnerabilities are publicly logged. Rather than updating a laundry list of unused themes or risking a security breach, simply delete these themes.
Storage Problems
Because a theme is simply a collection of files, an unused theme is simply a collection of unused files taking up space on your hosting server. If you keep your old theme library, you risk exceeding your allotted storage space, which could result in additional charges or performance failures.
Excess files also mean more files to deal with when making backups, switching hosts, and scanning your site for SEO and security. Not to mention the visual mess in your dashboard. Why not keep things tidy?
It may appear that deactivating a theme solves these issues. These theme files, however, remain on your server. Deleting the themes from your WordPress installation removes them permanently from your