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Author | Topic: best way to learn reading music by myself |
weedfreak Registered User
Registered: 6/1/2003 | posted: 6/1/2003 at 9:14:11 AM ET Hi
I am a Guitar player ... or lets say I'm trying to be one *g. unfortunately i cannot read music. I know most the stuff that is offered on http://datadragon.com/education/reading/ ( values and stuff) , but my problem is proper reading of the Notes themselves ( being an A or a D...) . when i do it slowly, i can find out what it is , by counting from the C line or the G line , cause these are the only ones I really remember ^^ , but somehow I can't get to know all of em. I once could in primary school... but that wont help me anymore
Is there any good way to learn that ? I mean not just by sitting there and saying "this is c, this is D, this is e" and so on.. are there any "donkey-bridges" for that ?
Same thing for thew gutiar itself . I play a lot, but mostly by ear. Learning how to read notesa would probably lead to learning how to read chords , and thats probably the best that i can do for my guitarplay. I don't like that tabulator stuff, since you have to know the song when you wanna play it by that !
thx for any help
if you don't smoke and don't drink, you'll die healthy after all....
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 205.188.208.x
| posted: 6/1/2003 at 9:28:40 AM ET Ok
In the treble clef remeber this stradegy For the lines going up there names are e,g,b,d,f, remeber them as Every Good Boy Does Fine.Fine rhymes with line.for the spaces going up they spell Face.Face rhymes with spaces.I don't know if guitar have bass clef cause I play Piano,Recorder. but anyway going up the spaces are A C E G All Children eat Grapes
Going down the lines say F D B G Frogs Do the Best Gulps.The T isn't there but who cares.
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 130.76.32.x
| posted: 6/1/2003 at 1:15:28 PM ET Good question...I'm a jazz guitarist wanna-be. I supposed that reading music is like reading a book. The more you do it, the easier it gets....in time. I just thought that I should start reading music as well...from today forward.
rosie Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003 | posted: 6/9/2003 at 4:03:13 PM ET look ur ok just keep readin them in ur spare time and learn dem wiv out the guitar first.
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 213.249.154.x
| posted: 6/9/2005 at 5:36:26 AM ET hey, try and remember that inbetween the lines on a treble clef is FACE and bass clef is ACEG, seriously you will have it drilled in your head soon enough.i'm wondering how people sight read at speed!
TheHornSupremacy Registered User
Registered: 11/17/2004 | posted: 6/9/2005 at 10:03:33 AM ET Just wanted to correct on thing that was posted earlier.....
There are actually 5 lines in the bass clef, not four. The top line A was left out of an earlier post.
Also, I think, for sake of consistency, it's better to give an acrostic that give the lines from bottom to top rather than top to bottom. In that case, the lines are G B D F A, and one acrostics is "Greg Bought Diamonds For Andrea."
imnidiot Registered User
From: Ashley PA
Registered: 3/28/2005 | posted: 6/9/2005 at 3:23:17 PM ET One very good way to memorize the notes is to get some staff paper,(you can print it from www.8notes.com), and write the notes over and over saying them as you write. Do this with the bass clef also.After one sheet, you'll have the notes memorized. This also works wit key signiatures. I know, it worked for me!
I am a fragment of my imagination
awareofvacuity Registered User
Registered: 6/10/2005 | posted: 6/10/2005 at 9:24:36 PM ET Havent a clue about treble and bass clefs and all that. I just know the six strings starting with the fat one are EADGBE. If you see tabs for chords you get to see the shapes and it becomes clear after a while
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