Baby Rollo The Muse Registered User
Registered: 12/6/2007 | posted: 12/15/2007 at 7:03:01 PM ET #quote#
Play a happy tune.
Wingle wells!Wingle wells!Wingle wells wock!!
i hav a fwiend who, swells 'ik a swock!!
jwump an' fly lik an'-, ugly dude!!
i swee i can fly!!
i just herd a sigh!!
I just need a BIG PIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
I'll wrestle a pig an do a jig!!
I'll ride a svider fo a cup o ciderrrr!!
I'll shoot a magpie in the eye!!
Kill a crow wiv a great big bow!!
For goooooood ollllld ciderrrrrrrrr!!!!!