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Topic: guitars for a novice
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AuthorTopic:   guitars for a novice
Registered User

posted: 9/25/2005 at 9:57:02 AM ET
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As a novice in the world of guitars, I wonder if someone could make a distinction between a guitar and a dreadnaught? Thanks in advance.

Registered User

Ashley PA

posted: 9/25/2005 at 12:51:33 PM ET
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A Dreadnaught is the description for a large body guitar.

I am a fragment of my imagination

Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 9/25/2005 at 7:00:46 PM ET
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...and it has steel strings, where a Classical guitar has nylon. Some smaller people and most kids up to teen years find getting their arm over the body can be a problem.
Don;t, under any circumstances, let a salesperson or a teacher convince you that a Classical is easier to start on, it isn't, a steel string with light guage strings is far easier.
The only time I suggest a Classical for a beginner student is when they wish to learn Classical, or Flamenco.
The unfortunate practise of asking school students to learn on nylon string guitars has been the death knell of many a fine potential guitarist.

Baruch 3:14

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