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Topic: School Terms
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AuthorTopic:   School Terms
Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 6/30/2005 at 1:24:26 AM ET
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What happens in the US over summer? Are there ten weeks in each term, and the summer break is four weeks, or is there a six week summer break, as in Australia, and two weeks break between the rest?

Take me to your Lieder...

Registered User

posted: 6/30/2005 at 4:32:40 PM ET
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Hi Pete,

My music teacher teaches music the City High Schools and school has just ended for the year. I think school opens after Labor Day.

When my sister's kids were in school (Dallas, Tx) school ended in May and started in August. They are now out of college and working.

Universities end just before Memorial Day and start up again in September. I'm not a teacher so I hope this info is accurate. The little girl that I tutor keeps me up-to-date on shool vacations. (I'm a voluteer tutor).

Happy Summer or is it Winter where you are? Enjoy

Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 7/1/2005 at 2:54:50 AM ET
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It's winter, suvyq, and thank's for the info.

Take me to your Lieder...

trumpet guru
Registered User

Washington State

posted: 7/7/2005 at 11:16:05 PM ET
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Hi Pete,

We start at the very end of August, and go through mid June.

I would love to teach in a school with a year 'round schedule. Kids would forget less, which means less review . . . .which means less boredom for kids and teachers. . . . and more learnin'


Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 7/8/2005 at 3:39:30 AM ET
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Nice concept, but I don't think it would work, TG. The kids I teach are in overload mode during the last two weeks, and far more non-productive than usual. Their minds are on the hokidays, and who can blame them?
Here, where the moss grows on the South side of the trees, (where it grows at all) school finishes for the six week summer break around Dec 15, and resumes the first week of Feb..then each Term is ten weeks, with a two week break.

Take me to your Lieder...

trumpet guru
Registered User

Washington State

posted: 8/6/2005 at 9:21:11 PM ET
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year-round works great where they do it. With more frequent breaks, teachers and students avoid end of the year burnout.

I heard that in parts of Florida, they are starting in the 2nd week of August, then ending their first semester before Christmas Break . . . then schools out in mid May.


Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 8/6/2005 at 11:44:54 PM ET
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I would like to see that here, TG, six weeks is OK if you are going overseas, for example (but how many families with school-age kids can afford a six week overseas holiday?) but by the end of the first month the kids are bored out of their minds.

Baruch 3:14

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