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Topic: Audition Preparation
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AuthorTopic:   Audition Preparation
Registered User

Atlanta, Ga

posted: 6/13/2005 at 2:40:37 AM ET
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Please be kind enough let students and fellow educator's know about the Audition Mastery Guide and also the Mentor Network, including audio scholarship auditions and assessment. All details are available at www.craneclassical.com. Thank you, AdamAudition Mastery Guide and Mentor Network

Adam Crane
artistic director
CraneClassical Music Society
"Music for the Masses"
...Bridging the Gap

Registered User

North Coast NSW, Australia

posted: 6/13/2005 at 3:24:35 AM ET
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..Wow! Put on your sunglasses before you check this one, my friends

Take me to your Lieder...

Registered User


posted: 6/13/2005 at 12:49:03 PM ET
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hey! I love that dissolving webpage. By the way, do you think that the "A+auditions" thing is worth it? I might get it.

I am only a speck upon another speck floating in a pool of galaxy

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