wonderflute Registered User
From: Mississippi
Registered: 7/2/2004 | posted: 5/19/2005 at 12:52:14 AM ET I don't know if you know what 8 notes and 16, whole, and quarter notes are yet, but I assume you do. This topic confused me too until ninth grade , but when it says 6/8, you count it in the length of an eighth note, and have 6 beats of the 8 notes. That might be confusing, but everything like allegretto and moderato markings factor into the counting, but, let me see if I can make this understandable,.... You might say "Well, if it is counted in 8 notes, then how can I play the 16 notes and quarter notes in the measure?" It may be counted in 8 notes, but all you have to do is fit the notes in, or, count the other notes as you already do, and play them within the 8 notes. Umm, I don't know if this has been any help, but I hope it helps you a little bit.