Author | Topic: note reading |
Fretty Registered User
Registered: 5/12/2005 | posted: 5/12/2005 at 3:37:17 AM ET Hi there, I have a question about note reading. I want to know how to know which note to play in what position in a song when reading standard music notation? For example there is a "D" note 3rd fret of the B string and a "D" note on the 7th fret of the G string as well as other "D" notes all over the fret on other strings. in standard notation the same symbol for represents The "D" notes on the 3rd fret b string and the 7th fret g string. So how do i know when to play the notes in what position on the fret board when the same notes on different positions are represented by the same symbol? thankyou!
imnidiot Registered User
From: Ashley PA
Registered: 3/28/2005 | posted: 5/12/2005 at 8:16:10 PM ET It depends on what you're playing. Usually you would play the closest note in the position you're in. The scales are a very good way to do that, as they are in a sequential pattern. Even so, there are different ways to play the same scale, as well as positions on the fret board. There are a ton of guitar websites available. Go to, and type in guitar lessons. I hope this is of some help. Good luck, Don
I am a fragment of my imagination
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 170.224.224.x
| posted: 5/16/2005 at 3:06:49 PM ET You and your Google...
imnidiot Registered User
From: Ashley PA
Registered: 3/28/2005 | posted: 5/16/2005 at 10:25:43 PM ET Google is a very good search engine. If you don't know a specific site, most times you can type a general term google usually gives good results. It's like the librarian of the internet. There is also Ask Jeves, if you don't like google.
I am a fragment of my imagination
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 66.119.33.x
| posted: 5/17/2005 at 4:45:11 PM ET Don't make fun of people that are smart enough to use a search engine, unlike you, obviosly.
I do wish you can go to hell, if I may say so. Which I may.
There are people here that are above your sense of humor, which even a five-year old wouldn't care about!