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Topic: fight or quit?
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AuthorTopic:   fight or quit?
Registered User

posted: 9/4/2004 at 3:51:05 AM ET
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$9.5 for half an hour? that's about $40 for 2 hrs.that's so cheap! I don't think i can find such cheap price.playing piano is my dream too! is it really hard? especially at the age of 42? thx for the advice

Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:

posted: 9/4/2004 at 2:56:42 PM ET
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Nothing is easy. Anything you start will take work, and time. Don't start something and only put half your effort into it. Piano is no different. You can start at any time in your life, but what you want to do with it (make it a life career, etc.) may be a deciding factor for you too. You had a good point in an earlier posting about getting what you pay for. If you pay more for private lessons, that's not a bad thing. $10/ 1/2 hr instruction is about what you should be paying. Paying more means you may have stumbled on a great teacher. But less doesn't mean you don't. Ask questions. And check the internet on what to look for in a good teacher, no matter what instrument you choose. Good luck!

Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:

posted: 9/4/2004 at 3:04:51 PM ET
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If you choose to learn piano or violin, the time and work you put in will make it easier as you go. Just like anything. One thing I was always taught by my best teacher was practice slow, steady, and often. You can learn anything.

Registered User

posted: 9/5/2004 at 12:59:35 AM ET
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thanks.since i just started, i haven't make a decision on what instrument i'm going to play yet. i chose violin because i'm taking orchestra in school. but piano is my favorite. since this is my last year, i'm considering finding a teacher and play piano

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