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Topic: i need help
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AuthorTopic:   i need help
Registered User

posted: 8/11/2005 at 11:10:43 AM ET
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can anybody help with this clue? im not really that musical.. but i need a co-ordinate from that piece of music (like the one near the top of the page), thanks.

Registered User

posted: 8/11/2005 at 4:23:43 PM ET
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I'd like to help you but have no idea what the website you posted meants. Could you please help us to help you thanks

Registered User

posted: 8/11/2005 at 4:59:51 PM ET
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ah yes, it is kinda hard to explain. Geocaching basically a big treasure hunt kind of thing, you get clues which you have to work out which gives you co-ordinates for somewhere. This clue is making my brain hurt, appaerently somehow that piece of music gives a set of co-ordinates where some items r hidden (nothing of value, just for the game really). Appaerently if you give this piece of music to a child, theyre more likely to work it out *shrugs* Guess im looking too hard. A musical trained person got it within a few minutes. Thanks guys.

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