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Topic: clarinet
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AuthorTopic:   clarinet
Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:

posted: 6/15/2005 at 3:10:21 AM ET
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Is Artley a good brand of clarinet? please reply fast!

trumpet guru
Registered User

Washington State

posted: 6/15/2005 at 10:26:30 PM ET
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It's ok for a beginner. The Buffet B10 Student model is very good (under 400.00 online.)

Here is a page which has lots of models and reviews you can read. They generally have the best prices online too.

good luck


Registered User

posted: 6/16/2005 at 9:10:40 PM ET
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We used Artley when Conn made them. When UMI bought out Conn the quality really went down IMO. The Conn brand has been recently been bought out by Selmer. I understand the quality has gotten better.

There are several good clarinet brands. Yamaha, Noblet (pronounced no-blay), Normandy (made by Noblet), Buffett (pronounced buf-fay),Selmer, and Conn (Artley). Consult with your band director about the brand he/she prefers. If you are stepping up to high school look into a wood clarinet as opposed to synthetic.

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